Principal's Desk

Principal's Desk

Knowledge and proper education is a must for every citizen in the globe. With this very noble motto, Gyan Kendra Educational institute emphasizes on inculcating human values and developing moral character, which in turn will make students better citizens. We are committed at creating a good humanitarian society.


Education is a lifelong and continuous learning process and we aim to nurture the potential of the students. Thus we strive to draw out the capacities in a child which are waiting to be explored. We have no choice but to gear our pedagogical process and ourselves to focus more on the child’s ability to raise questions.


By inculcating thinking, reasoning and understanding abilities, we as educationist teach the child values of devotion, dedication and determination. We play a very important role in the child’s overall development. We strive to be role models and an inspiration to everyone.


We thank God, the management, the staff members (teaching & non-teaching) and parents of all the students for their support and co-operation for the smooth functioning of the institute.